This webinar will address
the actions supporting preparedness for fendering and mooring in STS Transfer
Operations. Mooring is by far the process with the highest percentage in
failures, the majority of which, is breakdown to mooring lines. The casual
factors leading to such failures and the mitigating actions needed, will be
discussed during the webinar.
The incorrect fendering on the other hand, is a process which may lead to steel to steel contact between ships due to improper planning and wrong position of the primary or secondary fenders. This webinar will communicate the actions needed towards ensuring that the type and position of primary or secondary fenders are according to industry guidelines.
- What are the OCIMF recommendations for mooring?
- What is the risk when fenders are rigged on the constant heading ship instead of the maneuvering?
- Are secondary fenders considered mandatory and what is the most suitable size?
- What are the basic points when assessing the mooring plan of vessels?
- How can ship managers establish weather threshold criteria for the agreed mooring pattern?
- What are the proposed risk mitigating measures when considering a mooring plan?
- What is the industry best practice when assessing a mooring plan?
These and even more puzzled
questions will be answered in this new webinar. Furthermore, interesting
case studies will be presented too!
Risk Management is the process of Identifying, Monitoring and Managing potential risks to minimize the negative impact they may have on your organization.
Risk Assessment is used to describe the overall process where you:
- Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification)
- Analyze the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis)
- Evaluate the risk related to that hazard (risk evaluation)
In this webinar, DYNAMARINe presented not only the hazards and risk factors related to STS but also everything needed to conduct proper STS Risk Assessment!
The content of the webinar is the following one:
- Risk Management and Associated resources from the organization
- The Impact of Risk Assessment on safety
- STS Hazards and Causal Factors according OCIMF guidelines
- The Risk Matrix of the Organization
- Generic Risk Assessments for STS precautions and awareness
- Crew responsibilities on the preparation of the Risk Assessment
- The role of the STS Service Provider/POAC on the Risk Assessment
- The Impact of STS records in the Risk Assessment
- Case Studies on Risk Mitigating Measures
If someone wishes to have total control over the Safety Aspects of Ship-to-Ship operations, his/her actions should start from the Clearance Phase.
The topics of the webinar presented are the following ones:
Session 1
- What is the STS clearance?
- Why Clearance is a requirement?
- Industry references for STS Screening
- Purpose of Clearance
Session 2
- Screening Elements
- Possible STS Hazards
- Screening Documents
- Phases of screening
Session 3
- What are the Screening Policies
- What are the Screening Criteria
- Departments involved in the Screening Process
- Training of Personnel for the STS Screening Process
Session 4
- C/P Disputes
- Responsibilities and Liabilities from the Screening Process
- Discussion on Court Awards
- Case Study - Sample Screening of a vessel
- References
This course outlines how STS compatibility takes place and how this is reflected in the form of a report. The compatibility assesses geometric characteristics, cargo operation, Mooring line assessment, parallel body assessment, fender selection assessment, Cargo hose assessment, and other issues. This course includes case studies.
Topics included the following:
Session 1
- Compatibility in line with OCIMF STS guidelines
- STS Compatibility Matrix
Session 2
- Compatibility assessment on the basis of Q88
- Geometry of Ships
- Cargo Hose length
- Cargo & Manifold Assessment
- Compatibility of Mooring lines
Session 3
- The elasticity of Mooring lines
- Mooring lines and rolling
- Large Roll angles
- Weather thresholds and limitation Policy
Session 4
- STS Mooring Plan
- Case Studies
- 3D-Mooring Plan and Mooring sensitivity Assessment
- Cargo Compatibility
In this webinar, DYNAMARINe presents the structure of the "Due Diligence" process in STS:
- In line with the Regulations
- Relevant to needed resources
- Regarding the Impact on Safety and Reputation
The structure of the webinar is the following one:
Session 1
- Basic rules in Ship to Ship
- The source of Due Diligence
- STS Industry Recap
Session 2
- Due diligence and responsibilities
- Stakeholders Impact on responsibilities
- Owners' obligations & compliance
Session 3
- Contractual issues & due diligence actions
- Vessel compliance with OCIMF guidelines
- MARPOL and STS due diligence
Session 4
- STS elements
- Case studies
This webinar presents the main features of the fenders and hoses utilized during STS operations. The standards of the pneumatic fenders and hoses, in line with the industry guidelines and ISO requirements, will also been discussed. We will also present findings from fender and hose certification as applicable and as presented by various STS Service Providers. Fender Manufacturer specifications, OCIMF recommendation, IMO Manual on Oil Pollution requirements will be discussed in conjunction with the due diligence practices, required by Ship Owners.
Topics include the following:
- Description of STS equipment
- ISO, OCIMF, IMO, ISGOTT requirements/ guidelines on STS equipment
- Testing and Certification principles
- Major failure modes
- Reviewing of the certification by the Master as part of a due diligence practice and response patterns
- Visual inspection criteria/requirements and proposed actions
The Incident Investigation in STS incidents should be corelated with the obligations of shore and crew personnel, in line with SMS and best industry practices.
The incident investigation is a reverse engineering practice which identifies gaps/ failures/ lapses in the processes and propose preventing measures towards avoiding reassurance. In this webinar, a practical approach on STS incident investigation will be presented to emphasize on major identified errors in practices that usually lead to incidents.
Inadequate Incident Management is a possible causal factor in OCIMF STS guidelines and as such, findings from past incidents should be systematically communicated within the organization.
Case studies will be utilized to describe findings from incident investigations and opportunities for improvement!
Topics include the following:
- The Scope of the Incident investigation
- Incident investigation and Risk Assessment
- Statistics on STS Incidents
- Common Root Cause and More
- Narrative on STS Incidents and Root Cause
- Take away Best Practices
- Managers’ Liabilities
- Conclusion and Q&A
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